Monthly Archives: June 2019

Seek First to Understand

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it is a critical success factor for leaders in our current business climate.  In this episode we talk with Marianne Malko, Founding Partner of Upturnships about the importance of curiosity and being a constant learner; it’s how we evolve our careers and our businesses.  Seeking first to understand and listen to the other person is the foundation for curiosity and learning. Get more information on Upturnships at

Sign up for Keystone’s monthly newsletter and learn more about Jaime’s coaching programs by contacting us at or

Stuck Is a Great Place to Be

In this episode, Jaime unpacks the feeling of being “stuck”. It’s a common feeling for people in our careers and our personal lives.  We will talk about the feeling of being stuck, what contributes to it, why it’s a good thing – yes, stuck is a good thing!, and what you need to do to get “unstuck”. There’s no way to avoid that stuck feeling, but there are definitely ways to manage it and keep moving. Sign up for Keystone’s monthly newsletter and learn more about Jaime’s coaching programs by contacting us at or

Read our blog post on being stuck here.

Are you at your Breaking Point?

We all have that point where we feel like the stress is too high, things are overwhelming and while we can hit that moment periodically, it is not someplace that you can hang out for long. Many of us have learned to stay in that place much longer than is healthy for us. Shannon Gronemeyer joins us to talk about hitting his breaking point and the change he made to help him find the clarity he was looking for. Each of us has a journey, join us to learn more about Shannon’s and how he hit the breaking point and came out the other side in a much better place.
Connect with Shannon at and find out more at
Sign up for Keystone’s monthly newsletter and learn more about Jaime’s coaching programs by contacting us at or

Lessons from a Middle School Choir Concert

Hopefully the title alone will make you curious enough to listen in to this one. Sometimes the best lessons and reminders in life hit us when we least expect it. That’s what happened to Jaime at her daughter’s last middle school choir concert. In this episode Jaime talks about the reflection from that life event and how so many of the things she saw parallel our businesses and careers. Listen in to learn 5 lessons that will get you motivated and thinking a little differently about your own journey.
Sign up for Keystone’s monthly newsletter and learn more about Jaime’s coaching programs by contacting us at or

Read our blog post.