Monthly Archives: May 2024

Everyone Can Impact Through Story

As leaders we tend to lead and persuade people with data and logic, but brain science tells us that people are not persuaded by that, they are persuaded by emotion. Sally Zimney, Speaker, Coach and Author helps us understand the impact of sharing simple stories to connect with people and inspire them to take action.

You can find out more about Sally and her services at

To order Sally’s new book:

1% Happier

Chelsey Paulson, the queen of culture and leadership, and one of my fantastic team members joins us to talk about Happiness. Not from a fluffy perspective, but from a scientific, find the source and focus on it perspective. Our world needs more leaders, more humans who have the tools to find more joy and happiness. It doesn’t mean we live in it everyday, but it can mean that we are striving to be 1% Happier.

Connect with Chelsey on LinkedIn at:

The Life You Lead Is the Lesson You Teach

So…this one is a deep one. Be prepared to laugh, maybe cry a little, but truly be impacted. I’m so grateful to have Mick White, a dear friend of mine on the podcast to share his story around finding his purpose and how he is living into it every day. Find out more about Mick’s 100 year manifesto work here:
