Category Archives: Uncategorized

Flip the Mic-Interview with Jaime Taets

In this episode, we flip the mic on Jaime and interview her to share her journey, wisdom, and what she’s learned over the last year about herself. Make sure to follow Jaime on Instagram: @jaime_taets and on Facebook: Jaime Taets  Sign up for Keystone’s monthly newsletter and learn more about Jaime’s coaching programs by contacting us at or

Be at Peace With Where You Are At

Carrie Tollefson has had a career filled with achievements including being an Olympian. And yet like many of us, her life has been full of hard times and mountains she has had to climb. She discusses her advice to be at peace with where you are right now and take small actions that move you forward. Learn more about Carrie and the great work she does at: Sign up for Keystone’s monthly newsletter and learn more about Jaime’s coaching programs by contacting us at or

Monday Mornings Don’t Have to Suck

Do you have a sense of dread on Sunday evenings because you know what’s coming? Monday morning. Eric Harkins joins us to talk about how to make it so Monday morning’s don’t suck. Learn more about Eric at his website: and connect with him on LinkedIn: Sign up for Keystone’s monthly newsletter and learn more about Jaime’s coaching programs by contacting us at or

Are You in Self-Protective Mode?

Dr. Rosie Ward joins us to talk about her journey and how being in self-protective mode has held her back at certain points. We all find ourselves in this mode from time to time. Listen in to get some wisdom around how you can recognize when you are there and cure yourself of it to allow you to move forward with confidence. Learn more about Rosie and connect with her here: and on her website at: Sign up for Keystone’s monthly newsletter and learn more about Jaime’s coaching programs by contacting us at or

Consistency Outperforms Commitment

We all have things that we are committed to, yet so many of us don’t achieve our goals and the level of success that we desire. The difference is in the consistency. We can be committed to something, but are we consistent in our approach is the real question. Jaime talks about how to build consistency into your commitment to truly drive progress towards your goals. Sign up for Keystone’s monthly newsletter and learn more about Jaime’s coaching programs by contacting us at or

Make to follow Jaime on Instagram and on Facebook!

Are You in Love With the Game?

As leaders, our focus should be on helping our people fall in love with the game- whatever that game is. Our business, a project, an initiative. When we help people fall in love with the game they are playing, we utilize their strengths and maximize their performance. Tim Williams, Founder of T. Will Sports joins us to talk about his experience in coaching sports and how that crosses over to the world of business. Find out more about Tim at or on LinkedIn at Sign up for Keystone’s monthly newsletter and learn more about Jaime’s coaching programs by contacting us at or

The Power of the Huddle

In football, the huddle is often not the thing that most of us pay attention to, yet for the players on the field, the huddle is everything. Ben Utecht, Super Bowl 41 Champion with the Indianapolis Colts joins us to discuss the power of the huddle and how we can use it in our leadership approach. Connect with Ben and learn more about how he can help you or your team at Sign up for Keystone’s monthly newsletter and learn more about Jaime’s coaching programs by contacting us at or

Better Everyday

Be 1% better every day. And when we do that, it compounds to create exponential growth. John Meyer – CEO and Co-Founder of Lemonly joins us to talk about his philosophy and how it’s helped him be a better business leader, spouse, dad, runner, in every aspect of his life. Follow John on Twitter @johntmeyer and listen to his podcast at Sign up for Keystone’s monthly newsletter and learn more about Jaime’s coaching programs by contacting us at or

Jaime’s Favorite Podcast Episode of the Year!

In this podcast episode, Jaime recaps her favorite podcast episode of the year and she explains why it’s so important to be unstoppable.

You always have the choice to move forward, even in the face of fear and uncertainty. Jaime discusses her perspective on being unstoppable and how we can apply that now more than ever. Sign up for Keystone’s monthly newsletter and learn more about Jaime’s coaching programs by contacting us at or

It’s Not a Wrap, It’s a Launch

As we look to land the plane on 2020, we want to challenge you to look at the end of 2020 as a launching pad to getting back to a place where you thrive in 2021. We all have learnings and reflections that can help us create a better 2021, so use the rest of 2020 to reflect on those learnings and use them to make you stronger in 2021. Sign up for Keystone’s monthly newsletter and learn more about Jaime’s coaching programs by contacting us at or