Category Archives: Uncategorized

The REAL definition of Leadership

The great leaders are not the strongest, they are the ones who are honest about their weaknesses. The great leaders are not the smartest; they are the ones who admit how much they don’t know. The great leaders can’t do everything; they are the ones who look to others to help them. Great leaders don’t see themselves as great; they see themselves as human. Join Erica Roelike and Jaime Taets as they discuss great leadership and how to assess if you are a leader that has this approach.  
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Outperform the Norm

Scott Welle is a speaker, coach and consultant to strives to help business leaders Outperform the Norm by focusing on 3 areas : Health, Happiness and High Achievement.  We discuss the concept of fulfillment and achievement and what it takes to outperform the norm.  Learn more and connect with Scott at

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Don’t Marry your Plan

How many of us have this plan in our heads of exactly how our lives should happen – what we are supposed to do, what we should do and by when? How many of our lives happen exactly according to that plan? Very few. Life is not about us controlling it, it’s about us living it. Listen in to hear Jaime talk about her own experience with being too married to her plan that she was causing her own misery.

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Success AND Significance

Having success and significance at the same time – we don’t have to choose one or the other.

Many of us have moments throughout our careers and lives where we feel like there should be more of a purpose to what we are doing. Susan Rylance, VP of Growth for Fahren joins us to discuss the point where most of us start searching for things that create more significance and fulfillment. As business leaders we experience it and people on our teams experience it as well. What we all need to realize is that it’s not about having success or doing something significant; it’s about having success and significance at the same time – we don’t have to choose one or the other.
Connect with Susan on LinkedIn or via email at

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Avoiding Paralysis

All of us experience moments of paralysis and fear about making a decision, a change, or taking a risk. The key is to not let the paralysis stop you from moving forward and achieving the next level of success. Jen Swanson, a Digital Transformation Leader joins us to talk about her journey and the lessons she learned along the way.
Get more information on Jen and her services at and connect with her on LinkedIn:

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Live your life forward and understand the past

Living our lives in the past could cause us to risk robbing ourselves of the joy in the present or in the future.  For many of us the past brings about memories of good times, but it can also cause us to have fear, that our best days might be behind us. Today, we discuss how to use the past to create a future that is even better than what we have experienced.  We have to live our lives forward and learn from our pasts.  Tune in as we provide tips on how to live forward thinking!

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Your Business has a Vision and Mission, do you?

Businesses are big on formulating a Vision and Mission that describes where their organization is going and why. But for many of us, we don’t have our own Vision and Mission which representatives our lives and careers. We go through life letting things happen to us versus understanding that life is happening for us, we have more control over it than we realize. Laura King joins me to discuss the importance of a personal Vision and Mission and the impact that it can have on your success.
Get in touch with Laura via LinkedIn or at

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Once this happens, I’ll be happy

How often have you said this to yourself? Why are we living and putting our happiness on something that hasn’t happened yet? John Gamades, Partner with OrangeBall Creative and Jaime talk about their own struggles with this and how they have started to make improvements with an approach that can help you as well.
Find out more about OrangeBall and how they can help with your marketing needs here:
Get more information on John’s blog here:

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Progression Not Perfection

How many of us wait until the situation, timing, or conditions are perfect before we make a change, take a chance or take a leap of faith. The truth is that many of us deal with this “perfection” ideal that causes us to wait to make progress that would change our lives. Join us as we talk about how to get beyond this and creating momentum that can really change your journey to the next level of success.

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The Silent Risk to Your Success

Helping people understand their financial strategy for life and in their business, has been Robin Edgar’s expertise throughout her career for over 30 years. In this journey, she has identified a silent risk to success for most people. We talk about what it means to have a healthy financial mindset and how that can have a positive impact on your success and growth. Reach out to Robin at or connect with her via LinkedIn to learn more.

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