Category Archives: Uncategorized

Gratitude Throughout the Year

Many of us use the holiday season as a season of gratitude.  In this podcast we discuss the benefits of gratitude on our health and also how to find more gratitude in the everyday, not just during this time of year.
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Leap and the Net Will Appear

Fear holds all of us back from taking a step towards our dreams.  Kim Kleeman, Business Coach and Serial Entrepreneur joins us to talk about having faith that if you take the leap, the resources and people around you will be the net that supports you.  Connect with Kim at or on LinkedIn:
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Making an Epic Impact

Rana DeBoer, our new Chief Impact Officer, joins Chelsey Paulson to talk about making an epic impact. Her career and personal journey have led Rana to discovered her superpower of energy. Rana has a passion for career wellbeing and wants to encourage companies to ensure their employees know their work is valued to maximize personal and professional performance. Connect with Rana at or on LinkedIn: Sign up for Keystone’s monthly newsletter and learn more about our services by contacting us at or

Positive Intelligence

Now, more than ever, we see the importance of mental fitness. Shifting our brains from a negative to positive mindset will lead to a happier and more productive life. Chelsey Paulson shares her insight on how Positive Intelligence can help your mind become your friend rather than your enemy. Sign up for Keystone’s monthly newsletter and learn more about Positive Intelligence by contacting us at or

Feel The Feelings

We all deal with grief in different ways and grief can be caused by many different things – a job loss, an end to a relationship, a loss of a loved one or pet.  As I have dealt with grief lately, I’ve learned some lessons that I want to share to help you the next time you are in a state of grief.
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The Future of Leadership

Trust is the confidence we have in our relationships with others. Laura Boyd, Founder and CEO of Leadership Delta joins us to talk about the future skills that we need to be great leaders of people. Learn more about Laura and her programs at Sign up for Keystone’s monthly newsletter and learn more about Jaime’s coaching programs by contacting us at or

Normalize the Suck

Jaime shares her advice for dealing with times in life that are sucky.  How to give yourself the grace to sit in the suck and feel the feelings but also use it to push you forward.  We all need a reminder now and then that the journey to success has sucky points.  It doesn’t mean we are doing it wrong, it actually means we are doing it right.
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The Human Element

Leaders are often focused on execution and meeting goals and deadlines but can claim to be too busy to focus on caring for their people. In her book, The Human Team, Jeanet Wade discusses the 6 Human needs that all of us have and how, as a leader, you can support your team and fulfill these needs. Find out more about Jeanet, her book and take the free assessment here: Sign up for Keystone’s monthly newsletter and learn more about Jaime’s coaching programs by contacting us at or

It’s All Good

Positivity is a powerful tool to help us navigate the journey to success. Melissa Johnston shares her mindset about positivity and how she uses it daily to help her navigate everything life throws at her. Learn more about Melissa and connect with her on LinkedIn: Sign up for Keystone’s monthly newsletter and learn more about Jaime’s coaching programs by contacting us at or

Bias in Our Daily Lives

Bias has been on the minds of many of us due to the events of the last year, yet bias is something that has been around since for our entire lives. Eri O’Diah shares her perspective on bias in the corporate workplace and what she is doing to help drive change. Learn more about Eri and her company at: and Connect with Eri at: Sign up for Keystone’s monthly newsletter and learn more about Jaime’s coaching programs by contacting us at or